Band Practice
This page is reserved for the Band! Please find practice materials for your convenience. You can download files and print as you need. Thank you for all that you do! Please bring any errors to my attention upon discovery.
Set Lists
Until further notice, these songs will make up the setlist for any show not specified. Please download for your convenience!
Spotify Playlist
This is all the setlist in order for your convenience. Some original songs are not yet on Spotify. Please refer to printed setlist first. If you don't find the song on this playlist, please reference an original song track below.
"Tonight I'm Drinking Alone"
"Four Wheel Dr."
Angel On My Shoulder
Never Get Me Off Of This Reef
Beer Got Me
Beach, Beach, Beach
Fully Produced Singles
These songs are released and should be learned as heard on the track.
Fullest Life

Fullest Life |

Fullest Life Chord Sheet |

FullestLife_Chart_pg1.pdf |

FullestLife_Chart_pg2.pdf |
4th of July

4th_of_july_g.mp3 |

4th_of_july_lyrics_chords |
That Tree
Play in the key of "Bb".

That Tree |

That Tree Lyric Sheet |
Long Road II

Long Road |

long_road_II_chart.pdf |
Tennessee Heaven

Tennessee Heaven - Greg White Jr. |

tennesseheaven_lyricsheet.pdf |

TennesseeHeaven_Chart.pdf |

Fireball |

fireball_lyric_sheet_.pdf |

fireball_chart.pdf |
In Twang We Trust

In Twang We Trust -Mike Lounibos |

In Twang We Trust Lyric/Chord |
Original Songs
Live recording of original songs. Until they are fully produced, there is some room for artistic freedom!
Five Dollar Flip-Flops

five_dollar_flip_flops.mp3 |

fivedollarflipflops_official_lyric.pdf |
Angel On My Shoulder

angel_on_my_shoulder.mp3 |

Keeper_GregWhiteJr. |

keeper_official_lyric.docx |

Keeper_Chart.pdf |
Are You Ready

areyouready_practice_042116.mp3 |

are_you_ready___lyric_sheet.pdf |

angel_on_my_shoulder.mp3 |
My Island

myisland_practice_042116.mp3 |

my_island.pdf |
Cowboy Under A Palm Tree

cowboy_under_a_palm_tree.wav |

done.wav |
Don't Call Me Late

dontcallmelate_practice_051816.mp3 |
If I Never Stop Loving You

ifineverstoplovingyou_practice_051816.mp3 |

NeverStopLovingYou_Chart.pdf |

shoes_practice_042116.mp3 |

shoes_lyric_chord_sheet.pdf |

shoes.pdf |
Getting On Top

getting_on_top_live.wav |

getting_on_top_chord_lyric_sheet.pdf |

getting_on_top.pdf |
That Smile Says It All

that_smile_says_it_all__final_mix_.mp3 |

that_smiles_says_it_all_final.docx |