Spirituality is very diverse and must be taken in context to where an individual is along their journey. Personally, I have been challenged more times about my belief system in the past 17 months than I have been in my entire 39 years of my life. We grow, we adapt, we learn, we fall, we get up, but for certain, we keep doing better.
I once read that Religion is for people who are afraid to go to hell. Spirituality is for the people who have already been there. I carried my religious beliefs throughout my entire life. I professed the name of Christ when it was convenient. Otherwise, I didn't act Christian. I did what the church told me to do and believed what they told me to believe. I looked down on others who did not believe. I lived the fear religion that stated that, although you may not completely understand, you better believe or you'll burn forever after death. I hit my knees when, and only when, things got completely out of control. I walked through hell more than once and it almost took me over completely. However, little did I know it that God (that's what I call the Universal, Unlimited, Prime Creator) was working with me the whole time. Small, magnificent miracles would happen and somehow, I thought, "Well, that's odd. I was actually surprised when God would show up in my life! But yet, I said I believed. With every little miracle, a seed would be planted for future growth. It wasn't until I almost completely destroyed or lost my life with depression, anxiety, and alcohol that I finally woke up and realized all those tiny seeds were ready for Spring. It had been a long, arduous, deadly Winter. It was then that I realized I had been doing it all wrong. I realized that I knew nothing. Absolutely-f**king-nothing! I was a brand new baby crying in the cradle. With that realization, I began clearing my mind of everything I thought I knew. It was a brand new beginning for me. Everything was possible. I shut my mouth and got to work learning everything I could about who I am, why I'm here, where I've been, and where I'm going. First stop on my path, God. I went directly to the source for guidance. I showed up to the door humble and respectful, but with passion in my heart for connection. He (that's how God presented for me) answered the door with so much joy, love, and compassion. My walk with the All Father has been a roller coaster ride of finding and knowing myself, but He's been my companion the entire ride. What we see as ups and downs in life, God sees a beautiful, fun-filled, joyful, adventure ride. I connected with the Source, God, the Almighty, (however you want to call The ALL) mostly through meditation (deep prayer for me at the beginning) and nature. But I was completely open and willing to accept whatever resonated my soul with purpose and goodness. Now, every single day is a brand new rebirth. Every day is a brand new opportunity to discover and rediscover that unlimited creation that God has brought into being. Me. My mission with Poseidon Healing is to share my story and encourage others to dive deeply into their limitless Self. You are a part of God regardless of where you are on your path. The Creator is intertwined throughout your entire being. At any time, we can accept this and improve our lives instantaneously. All we have to do is do the work. The Work is whatever you want it to be. I believe there are many roads to get to the same destination. "Lots of ways to paint a wall," my Chief in the Navy would say. Everyone's path should be respected and honored. That being said, all paths lead towards higher levels of awareness about your purpose here and who you are. The path is not clear. There will be obstacles, slips, trips, and falls. But that's the point of growth. The obstacles don't block the path, they are the path. I want to help people, who like me, found themselves in hell and somehow escaped. If you are passionate towards life improvement, looking for wholeness and wellness, and are willing to do the work, then you are my mission. I want to help you on your adventure to discover all that life has to offer. You are not alone. My mission is to develop Poseidon Healing Center. This will be a charitable organization that will be open doors to anyone looking for holistic health and wellness including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and professional aspects of our lives. This organization will blossom into a space that will help people reconnect with the natural and supernatural world in order to not just survive this life, but thrive completely. All walks of life are accepted with open arms, judgement free. You just have to be humble, open-minded, and willing to Do The Work.
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My Mission
To assist my brothers and sisters through their spiritual awakening. To teach by my personal experience so that others can make informed choices on their unique journey. To be called advisor and friend to those who may feel alone and unable to speak to others for fear of being alienated or labeled "weird" by society. We are all facing challenges through this time. Now is the time to be alive and awake! You are not alone! Greg White Jr.I am a "Florida Country" music Artist- songwriter, family man, Navy Veteran, and a lover of all things creative. Archives
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