This past weekend I met a songwriter and once again, they mentioned that they do not put out their music because they don't want others to steal from them. After a little conversation, I discovered the real reason is that they did not feel confident in the own creations.
We are songwriters. That makes us artists. When an artist wants to make a living being an artist, we have to generate income from our art. That means we have to have a product and someone to "purchase" it. I put purchase in quotations because nowadays most people don't have to pay to listen to music. But if a listener takes the time to listen to and enjoy your music, they have "bought" it. A painter paints and sells their paintings. A sculptor sculpts and sells there sculptures. Every creation is different and has a value. Not everything is going to be a hit or masterpiece, but it does have value. What if the painter and sculptor never show anyone their work? What if they just created the art and hid it in the closet? Hiding your work will not help you grow as an artist, nor will it help you build your reputation/brand as an artist, and it will not help you be successful. Remember this: Create, Display, Modify. Create your art to the best of your current abilities. Never stop learning. Never stop improving your craft. Display your art for feedback from the market (music consumers, bands, artists, tv/film, etc). If the market consumes it, you have a good product. If it stays on the shelf, replace with a better product or define your market to make sure the right people are seeing it. Modify your art for success. Write, release, rewrite, re-release. Copyright protection is not an excuse for not putting your art out to the world. If you have your works on a digital file, you have metadata related to that file that is relevant to your copyright. If you have a great piece of art that needs higher levels of protection, you can always register with US Copyright Office. Every market and every genre in music is very crowded. You've got to know your market! Your responsibility is to know who will buy your product and to deliver it to them. Know what the competition is doing so you can release comparable or better quality products. As my mentor, Rick Barker (, says, "You can have the best hamburgers in the world, but if you open up shop in a town of vegetarians, you just screwed yourself." If confidence is an issue for not releasing your art, hire a professional mentor before releasing your art. Criticism from a mentor is constructive and will help you grow. Criticism from the market can be a bit harsh to swallow. Either way, don't sit on your art; create, display, modify. You can do this. I'm here for you if you need me. Or, go take Rick's assessment at the above link. Cheers! #FeelTheLove #inspire #educate #songwriter P.S. If you're frustrated as a songwriter/artist for whatever reason, call or text me. (813) 336-1102. I'll get you on the right track.
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To assist my brothers and sisters through their spiritual awakening. To teach by my personal experience so that others can make informed choices on their unique journey. To be called advisor and friend to those who may feel alone and unable to speak to others for fear of being alienated or labeled "weird" by society. We are all facing challenges through this time. Now is the time to be alive and awake! You are not alone! Greg White Jr.I am a "Florida Country" music Artist- songwriter, family man, Navy Veteran, and a lover of all things creative. Archives
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